Our Services

At Maverick Education Consultants Limited, we understand that your educational journey is as unique as you are. Whether you're aiming for a fully funded education program, seeking guidance on scholarships, or needing assistance with the application process, our expert consultants are here to support you every step of the way.

  • Fully Funded Education Programs

    We open doors to top UK universities and fully funded programs, tailoring opportunities to your academic interests and financial needs, while providing expert guidance for a successful higher education path

  • Application Assistance

    Elevate your application with our expert guidance. We'll assist in creating a standout application that highlights your strengths, ensuring it leaves a lasting impact on admissions committees.

  • Financial Aid and Funding Options

    We'll guide you through the complexities of higher education finances, exploring aid options and creating a personalized financial plan to make your academic journey financially feasible, so you can concentrate on your education and career aspirations

  • Additional Services

    Complementing our core services, we provide workshops to enhance your skills, document verification for a smooth application process, and ongoing support for post-application needs, including visas, accommodations, and orientation.

Client Testimonials

Explore endless opportunities in higher education.

We are thrilled to connect with you and assist you on your academic journey. Whether you have questions about our services, need guidance on applications, or want to explore partnership opportunities, we are here to help.


  • We do not charge anything to provide our services. All our services are completely free. We get our payments from the university.

  • In majority of the cases, we will assist you in securing full funding for your tuition through Student Loans Company. Moreover, you should also receive maintenance payments and grants. Your eligibility for these benefits depends on your immigration or residency status in the UK. To know more, connect with us.

  • Before the start of your class, you will receive money for your maintenance. The first instalment is usually more than GBP 4000, which is enough to bear any of those costs.

  • Simply put, somewhere in the range of GBP 12k to 24k. We are experts in student finance and will ensure you get the maximum amount allowed by the government’s student finance policy.

  • Unlike our competitors, we partner with you throughout your academic journey. For any issues, be it personal or academic, feel free to reach out to us. We are always here to help.

  • Yes. There are many different programs run by the government and we continually update ourselves to provide you the best support possible. For more information, please reach out to us.

  • Absolutely. Aside from our free English preparation course, we have some courses that you can enrol free of any out of pocket expense.

  • If you tried other agencies and found yourself in the same situation, give us a try. Our support is so personal and rigorous that all of our students have found success.